As I started to develop Juke That, there was one thing most players and so-called jukeboxes annoyed me of: They weren't intended to be used on parties.

Wishes vs. shuffle

Most players can shuffle, but when a guest wants to choose a song, they must press play at the precise moment. That's bad already. And after their song, the music stops or some crap plays, or the song even plays again.

You can help yourself out a little by using playlists and append your wishes. But then, you cannot shuffle. No jukebox offered a true wish list.

That's different in Juke That: Guests wish songs, at any time, without interrupting the current music. And when nobody wishes a song, Juke That shuffles for you.

Intelligent automatic DJ

Apropos shuffle. Most players' shuffle lacked the intelligence to play songs that fit together. Juke That is different here, too. The automatic DJ plays some songs without changing the genre in between. So it plays e.g. 8 rock songs in a row and everybody rocks.

The auto DJ thereby uses only genres you chose, those that fit to your party. This ensures that there is no love song in your alternative rock night.

And the auto DJ learns. If your guests wish a song often, it will play it more often, too. And of course, you can rate the songs if you like, which also controls the DJ's shuffle.


On the right-hand side, you can see how the Jukebox looks like. At the top you can browse through different categories and wish songs, and at the bottom you see the wishes that will be played next.

And the wishes are ordered by genre, too, so they do not mix too much. Very nice.

Ease of use

The next thing I did not like in most players was the controls, the usability.
This is brilliant in Juke That, too. Have a look...